Executive Pension Plus Plan

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Plan wisely for your dream retirement

Ensuring that retirement is planned for is vital, especially for those who are self-employed or are working in a company that does not provide a pension.
EFU Life Executive Pension Plan ensures that you enjoy a comfortable standard of living, and helps you achieve financial independence in retirement.

Main features:

  • Expert Investment Management.
  • Multiple Pay out options to choose from at policy maturity. For instance, at maturity you have the option to withdraw the fund value as a lump sum amount, or you may select an income to be paid for your lifetime with payments guaranteed for 10 years. Alternatively you can select an income which will continue to be paid to your spouse for the rest of his/ her life in case you die first.
  • Access your Savings when needed.
  • Portability ensuring that the retirement plan stays intact and you can continue paying contributions under one plan even if your job changes.

