Success Story

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  • 1992

    The Life industry was opened to the private sector and EFU Life was born in 1992. Mr. Roshen Ali Bhimjee became the Chief Executive Officer and under his leadership EFU Life became the largest private sector life insurance company in Pakistan.

  • 1994

    1994: Launch of Individual Life business

    Launch of Individual Life business – unit linked products for first time in Pakistan.


  • 95-99

    1995 to 1999: Continuous growth and cementing position as market leader


  • 1998

    1998: ISO Certified

    EFU Life becomes ISO Certified; first in the insurance sector


  • 2000

    2000: Insurance on credit cards

    Introduction of insurance on credit cards eventually leading to a monopoly in this segment


  • 2002

    2002: Billion rupee premium Company

    Billion rupee premium Company; First private life insurance company to distribute profits to shareholders; completed 10 years of successful operations


  • 2004

    2004: Bancassurance

    Bancassurance started as an alternative distribution channel


  • 2006

    2006: Call Center

    Client servicing Call Center launched; Managed Growth Fund’s NAV crosses Rs. 5 billion


  • 2007-2008

    2007-2008: IFS rating

    • First life insurance company to have an IFS rating: A+ (Outlook stable)

    • IFS rating upgraded to AA-


  • 2010

    2010: Paid up capital increased

    Paid up capital increased to Rs. 850 million; highest in the private life insurance sector


  • 2011

    2011 – Company Milestones

    • Achieved milestone of Rs. 10 billion gross premium

    • Launch of ‘PRIMUS’

    • Launch of Enterprise Content Management System


  • 2012

    2012: Point of Sales system launched

    Point of Sales system launched; Managed Growth Fund’s NAV crosses Rs. 30 billion


  • 2013


    • IFS rating upgraded to AA by JCR-VIS

    • Paid up capital increased to Rs.1 billion

    • Launch of 9898


  • 2014


    Fund Value crosses Rs.60 billion


  • 2015

    2015: Strengthening a history of First’s

    • Launch of ‘Hemayah’ – Window    Family Takaful Operations

    • Launch of Mobile app for clients &    sales agents

    • Initiated ‘Choti Rakam Bara    Kamal’ – Rural Awareness Drive

    • NAV of all funds under                                   management cross Rs.81.5 billion


  • 2016

    2016: Inaugurated EFU LIFE Head office

    • IFS rating upgraded to AA+ by JCR-VIS rating

    • Strongest Asset Base of Rs. 106.30 Billion

    • EFU Life launches “Meri Shaan, Mera Pakistan” – Beautification through Wall Art


  • 2017

    2017: EFU Life Net Asset Value of all Unit Linked funds crosses Rs.100 Billion

    • EFU Life becomes member of MEFIN


  • 2018

    2018: EFU Life spearheading the Digital innovations

    • Launch of ‘BuyNow’ to get instant access to life insurance products online.
    • Wins ‘Best Digital Innovation 2018’

